Our goal is to ensure that each child, family, and staff member arrive and depart from New Life Academy of Excellence safely. Please adhere to the following guidelines during your time in carpool.
Carpool Times
Morning Drop-off: 7:30 am - 8:00 am
Students arriving after 8:15 am MUST be checked-in by a parent/guardian at the front desk
Afternoon Pick-up: 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Early Check-out ends at 2:00 pm
Morning Carpool:
- Make sure that your child is alert, packed up, and ready to exit the vehicle.
Please do not pass other vehicles in line. This is for the safety of other students exiting their vehicles.
Once carpool has closed, please find a parking spot and walk your student into the school.
Afternoon Carpool
Please follow the lead of staff members directing traffic.
Carpool line starting point: Please pull around the school building stop next to the cones in line.
Make sure you have your burgundy car rider tag or the temporary tag visible to staff. If you do not have a tag, you will need to show your ID to staff and receive a temporary tag.
ALL CARS must remain in the left lane. The right lane is designated for buses.
Please remain in your lane. Switching lanes will delay carpool!
Remain in your car at all times.
Once your lane is at a complete stop, place your car in park.
After your child is secured in your vehicle and your lane is released, you may exit the carpool lane.
In the event that your child has not entered your car, you will be directed to a parking spot in order to release the carpool line.
PLEASE do not attempt to pass other cars line to leave once your child is in your car. This is very important for the safety of our students entering their cars.
During afterschool bus/carpool dismissal hours (2:30-3:30pm), parents will not be allowed to enter the building. This is for the safety of our students, and we ask that you request an appointment to speak with your teacher. Thank you for your understanding!
Car rider tags are the form of identification for picking up students in carpool. It is crucial that you always have the correct car rider tag displayed from your rearview mirror or in a place that is visible to staff members in order to keep the line moving.
New/replacement tags may be ordered here.
Carpool Map