Welcome to Fifth Grade

5th grade Newsletter week of 10/28/24- 11/01/24:
Students will multiply multi-digit whole numbers fluently to solve authentic problems using arrays, partial method, and/or standard method.
Students will fluently divide multi-digit whole numbers to solve practical problems using arrays, partial method, and/or standard method.
Language Arts/Writing
This week students will finish the book Esperanza Rising
We will discuss the structure of the story and elements in the story- such as climax, falling action and resolution
We will also begin the writing process for our essay
Social Studies
This week we start our new Unit “Voting Rights”
We will go further into citizens’ rights by discussing “due process in law”
We will define amendments and discuss the process in which amendments are ratified
Make sure that students read at least 30 minutes each night.
Important Dates/ Reminders
On Thursday, October 31 students may wear: red, white and blue with a $2 donation