Week at a Glance

       Welcome lifelong learners to 4th grade! Our hope is that your love for reading, writing, math, science, and history will multiply throughout the year. Let's have a great year!

Week of Sep 16th~20th 

Language Arts
In reading, students will present their writing with a Gallery Walk in the classroom. On Tuesday, we will begin Unit 3 of Module 1. Students will write a poem inspired by something meaningful to them, and revise words and phrases in their poem to convey ideas precisely. Also they will revise punctuation in their poem for effect.

On Friday, students will answer comprehension questions in their Reading Google Classroom for Digital Day.

During ALL Block, students will recognize and explain the meaning of similes and metaphors, evaluate their own fluency strengths, refer to details fro the poem to support their ideas, use a glossary, and research reading text independently for 10 minutes.

On Digital Day, students will identify sentences as similes or metaphors in the Reading Google Classroom. 

Important Vocabulary Words to Know
meaningful, for effect, convey, precisely, simile, metaphor, subject, predicate, run-on, fragment

In math, students will be starting Unit 2: Exploring Real-life Phenomena through Patterning and Algebraic Reasoning. This week we are covering reasoning with shapes, multiples and numeral patterns.
Important Vocabulary Words to Know Additive, pattern, Output, Composite, Pattern, Factor, Pattern rule, Input, Prime, Multiple, Shape pattern, Numerical pattern, and Term (sometimes referred to as stage or element)

Unit 2 Math Test September 27!

In science, we will continue working on Unit 2 Force, Mass, Motion, and Simple Machines: Effect of Gravity. Students will plan an investigation to show the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on an object.

Important Vocabulary Words to Know
balanced, unbalanced, forces, plan, investigate, effect, construct, motion, lever, pulley, wedge, incline plane, wheel and axle, screw, simple machine, mass

Social Studies
In social studies, students will begin studying Unit 3 The beginning of of a New Nation. Students will look at the Articles of confederation and the changes early Americans did to improve our nation. 

Important Vocabulary Words to Know 
convention, federal population, preamble, checks and balances, judicial, delegate, comprise, amendment, constitution, representative democracy, legislative, representative, equal, natural rights, popular sovereignty, republic, executive, petition, assembly