Week at a Glance

       Welcome lifelong learners to 4th grade! Our hope is that your love for reading, writing, math, science, and history will multiply throughout the year. Let's have a great year!

Week of Feb 3~7

Language Arts
In reading, students will continue to determine the gist and meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases, and describe a character using details from the text. Students will also write a first-person point of view narrative (story) of a character using details from the text. On Friday, students will take the End of Unit 2 Test.

During ALL Block, students will practice creating words using root words and affixes, using the correct progressive verb in sentences, and analyze meaning of words.

Important Vocabulary Words to Know
act, scene, restate, opinions, productive, usurpations, injuries, establishment, tyranny, first person point of view, progressive verb tenses, verbs

 In math, the students will continue to build conceptual understanding of angle measurement. Students will draw right, acute, and obtuse angles. They will learn how to use a protractor to measure angles in degrees. This week the students will be focusing on Angles in circles and how to use a protractor.

Unit 5 Math Test 2/20 
Important Vocabulary Words to Know angle, ray, right angle, center, obtuse, angle point, acute angle, iteration, wedge, degree, protractor

In science, we are continuing Unit 5: Earth and Moon. Students will continue to review why the length of day and night changes, how the Earth's tilt and revolution around the sun impacts seasons, and the causes and different moon phases. On Wednesday, students will take the Unit 5: Earth and Moon Test.

Then, students will learn about technological advances used to gather information about stars and planets, and how to compare and contrast those technologies.

Important Vocabulary Words to Know
Axis, Hemisphere, Rotation, Revolution, Earth, Moon, Tilt, Waning, Gibbous, Waxing, Crescent, Quarter, New, Full

Social Studies
In social studies, students are continuing the westward expansion. Students will learn how the westward expansion impacted the Native Americans, and learn about the different technological advancements during this time. 

Important Vocabulary Words to Know
expansion, pioneer, settler, acquisition, technological advancements, productivity, cash crops, textiles, agriculture, manufacturing, standard of living, force relocation, reservation, physical gateway, physical barrier, canal, cotton gin, telegraph, steam locomotive, steamboat