Welcome lifelong learners to 4th grade! Our hope is that your love for reading, writing, math, science, and history will multiply throughout the year. Let's have a great year!
Week of Feb 10~14
Language Arts
In reading, students will closely read an excerpt of the Declaration of Independence, make connections between the excerpt and characters in Divided Loyalties. Students will also determine an author's opinion, and explain how an author supports an opinion with reasons and evidence.
During ALL Block, students will compare and contrast versions of the same event on LUMOS, and determine if a sentence is a fact or opinion.
Important Vocabulary Words to Know
fact, opinion, restate, productive, representatives, assembled, rectitude, solemnly, allegiance, absolved, perspectives, influenced, opinion, reason, evidence, Patriot, determined, treated, Parliament, respect, informed, disappoint, rebel, duty, defeat
In math, the students will continue to recognize angles as geometric shapes formed when two rays share a common endpoint. They will also draw right, acute, and obtuse angles, and use a protractor to measure angles.
Important Vocabulary Words to Know
angle, ray, right angle, center, obtuse, angle point, acute angle, iteration, wedge, degree, protractor
In science, students will ask questions to compare and contrast technological advances used to gather information about stars and planets, and refine questions to compare and contrast technological advances. They will also construct arguments to support the claim that some stars appear to be larger and or brighter than other stars.
Important Vocabulary Words to Know
stars, brighter, refine, technological advancement, planets, sun, appear, argument, telescope, astronomer
Social Studies
In social studies, students will learn the impact of the cotton gin, and review the concepts and events of the westward expansion in preparation for the test scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th.
Students should review and prepare for the test by reviewing the classwork. They should also view and play the review games in the Social Studies Google Classroom.
Important Vocabulary Words to Know
expansion, pioneer, settler, acquisition, technological advancements, productivity, cash crops, textiles, agriculture, manufacturing, standard of living, force relocation, reservation, physical gateway, physical barrier, canal, cotton gin, telegraph, steam locomotive, steamboat