Middle School

Welcome to Middle School!

(Last Edited: February 4, 2024 @ 3:57 PM by Mrs. Roquemore)

Announcements & Reminders:
- Please make sure you are getting notifications from Parent Square. The school and middle school grade levels will be primarily communicating through this platform.

Important Dates
2/13-17 -Mid-Winter Break!
2/18 - Parent Engagement Night
2/26 - 8th Grade Graduation Pictures
2/27 - Black History Month Program

Promotional Requirements
Click here to see GCPS promotional requirements for the next grade level

February Birthdays:
2/1 - Brook-lynn H.
2/2 -
Preston F.
2/5 -
Lucas B.
2/5 -
Olivia C.
2/7 -
Jalen J.
2/13 -
Ema G.
2/13 -
Zoey H.
2/14 -
Diego B.
2/21 -
Mathias A.
2/24 -
Ricardo E.