Uniform Policy

New Life Academy of Excellence feels it is important for children to develop an understanding of appropriate dress and appearance to suit the occasion. The manner in which students wear their uniforms reflects pride in their school. To this end, students are required to wear the uniform and be neatly groomed.

New Life Academy of Excellence feels that a safe and disciplined learning environment is the first requirement of a good school. Young people who are safe and secure, who learn basic life values and essentials of good citizenship, are better students. Many parents, teachers and school officials have come to see school uniforms as one positive and creative way to reduce discipline problems and increase focused learning. The responsibility of having correct uniform is the responsibility of the parent. In the event that a child is in violation of the uniform code, a notification will be sent home. NLAE expects the parent to address the uniform violation promptly.

Dress Code

The goal of the uniform policy is consistency. Therefore, all uniform items other than shoes and accessories can be purchased directly from our vendors.

PE Attire

On designated days for PE, all students can wear their PE uniform with all white or black sneakers.  Our P.E. Uniform can be purchased from our vendors.

Spirit Day Attire

There will be specified dates on our school calendar that students may wear Spirit Wear T-shirts. These shirts may be worn with black or blue jean pants/shorts.


Students who fail to comply with the uniform policy will need to have their parents bring them appropriate uniform attire before being admitted to class. The local school administration reserves the right to make the final judgment regarding uniforms. The school administrators reserve the right to modify the uniform policy for special occasions such as field day, spirit week, graduation, etc.


Three (3) violations of the uniform attire make your child ineligible for the Citizenship Award and may result in disciplinary action.

  • 1st violation : Call from teacher and write up
  • 2nd violation : Call from teacher and write up
  • 3rd violation : Call from Principal
  • 4th violation : Parent will be required to come in for a conference with the school advisory council.