Chinese Curriculum
Kinder Chinese ( K – 1st Grade)
A. Listening Communication
- Understand and respond to name introductions
- Understand the concept of numbers 1-10 by identifying numbers of objects given
- Understand and respond to questions about age
- Identify 7 days of the week
- Identify 12 months
- Identify 5 primary colors
- Understand selected names of pets, farm animals, zoo animals
- Understand and identify immediate family members
- Understand and identify main classroom objects
- Understand selected common fruits and food items
- Understand main body parts
B. Linguistic Awareness
- Become familiar with the Chinese intonation, tones, and rhythms by learning to
- chant popular mother goose songs
- sing popular children’s songs
- recite classic poems
C. Culture
- Know where China is on a map or globe
- Describe what Chinese look like
- Experience what and how Chinese eat
- Explore the Great Wall and big pandas
Level I ( 2nd – 3rd grades)
A. Basic Oral and Listening Communication
- Use common greetings and classroom politeness expressions
- Respond to classroom instructions and directions
- Express basic personal needs and emotions
- Respond to questions regarding personal information
B. Character Vocabulary Development
- Recognize and manipulate two digit numbers
- Name and recognize days of the week
- Name and recognize months of the year
- Name and recognize main family members
- Name and recognize primary colors
- Name and recognize selected pets and farm animals
- Name and recognize selected fruits
- Name and recognize selected market foods and beverages
- Name and recognize main body parts
- Name and recognize selected classroom objects
- Name and recognize selected types of clothing
- Name and recognize selected types of hobbies
- Name and recognize basic body movement
- Name and recognize rooms in the house
- Name and recognize basic elements of nature
C. Character Writing
- Name and write basic strokes
- Write numbers 1 - 10 in character forms
D. Culture
- Locate China on a world map or globe
- Discover where Chinese live in the world and local communities
- Locate China’s capital on a map of China
- Locate the Great Wall on a map of China
- Explore China’s main holidays
Level II ( 4th – 5th grades)
A. Oral and Listening Communication
- Comprehend and respond appropriately to greetings, farewells, thanking, and apologies
- Respond to classroom instructions and directions
- Recognize time by hour, half hour and digital format
- Ask and answer questions about a date (day, month and year)
- Identify seasons and describe weathers
- Give self-introduction and introducing others (name, relationship)
B. Character Vocabulary Development and Sentence Patterns
- Express nationalities
- Express possessions
- Express likes and dislikes
- Express wants and needs
- Describe color and size of items
- Tell whereabouts
- Describe abilities
- Describe on-going activities
- Describe size, length, and width
- Perform addition and subtraction operations
C. Character Writing
- Identify and write basic radicals or primaries
- Write selected basic single-part characters
D. Culture
- Locate China and its surrounding countries
- Locate two great rivers on a map of China
- Explore China’s eating and dress customs similar to or different from America’s or of other cultures
Level III (6th – 8th grades)
A. Oral and Listening Communication
- Understand and respond to Yes and No questions
- Understand and respond to Interrogative questions
- Ask for directions and prices
B. Character Vocabulary Development and Sentence Patterns
- Identify and describe professions
- Identify and describe public places in the community
- Describe means of transportation
- Describe weather conditions
- Describe calendar events
- Describe locations of items
- Perform multiplication and division operations
- Identify and describe shapes
B. Reading
- Read and comprehend short narratives and passages
C. Character Writing
- Write compound and multiple parts characters
D. Composition
- Construct simple sentences
- Write short narratives on familiar topics
E. Culture
- Explore China’s geographic features
- Explore China’s dynasty system
- Observe and appreciate Chinese cultural art: calligraphy, painting